DNA Test Proves Woman Was Lied to by Family for 70 Years
Mary had always been told as a child that her father was a brave soldier who had died in the Vietnam War. She grew up with this story, and it had always been a source of pride and inspiration for her.
But when Mary turned 70, she decided to take a DNA test. She wanted to learn more about her family history. She had always been curious about her biological family and wanted to see if she had any other lost relatives.
Couldn't believe her eyes
Although Mary expected to be surprised by some things here and there, she was not prepared for this discovery at all! She had expected to learn more about possible nieces and nephews, not a lie that changed everything!
Mary initially refused to accept the discovery. She repeatedly checked the results as it seemed highly unlikely to her. But no matter how many times she repeated the test, the results were the same...
Mary went back in her thoughts to all those years, to all those memories. How was this possible, she wondered. For a lifetime, 70 years, she had been lied to and left with nothing but shock.
Mary, who enjoyed her life as a mother and now a grandmother, became curious about her family's past. Now that she enjoyed her own family life so much, it felt only natural for her to learn the origin of what mattered most to her. There was much to learn.
Finding the right specialist
Mary started looking for a specialist on the internet. She came across many options, but most relied on an online method for DNA extraction. Mary chose a real specialist, preferably one specializing in the Vietnam War era. This decision was a game-changer.
Mary finds a specialist in a city that can be reached in 40 minutes. Mary considers it worth it and tries to schedule an appointment. But when she calls, no one answers.
Everything is arranged
"How strange," she thinks. But that was just the beginning. After another call, someone finally answers. The DNA expert says he is happy to help Mary and mentions that there is an available slot the next day.
He asks for her family name, and before hanging up, he insists that she bring as many photo albums as possible. That was rather unusual. Why did Mary need proof?
Mary ponders about it
After agreeing to the DNA specialist's request, Mary begins to wonder. As far as she knows, photo albums were not really necessary since DNA tests do not rely on photos. She then proceeds to double-check the website and finds nothing about a photo proof.
Nevertheless, Mary decides to give it a try. This DNA expert seemed to be her best option by far, so she was willing to take the risk. She told herself that her curiosity had led her to this point, and if she didn't continue, she would always remain curious.
Searching the Attic
Mary decides to get started right away. First, she gathers the photos scattered around the house. Then, she searches her attic. This is where she kept most of the belongings that reminded her of the past. But when she gets there, she is unpleasantly surprised.
In one of the first albums she comes across, it turns out that several photos of her father are missing. She looks through all the other albums and checks the areas around the photo albums. The photos are nowhere to be found. Could she have stored them somewhere else and simply forgotten, or was someone else involved?
Calls her helpful sister
Mary decides to call her slightly older sister. She seemed to remember a photo exchange from many years ago, and perhaps her sister had forgotten to return some of them. In hindsight, Mary was right.
Mary's sister quickly answers the phone and is happy to speak to Mary again. They talk to each other about each other's lives. Then Mary asks her sister about the photos. Her sister is happy to help and shows willingness to find the photos. But that was only because she was unaware of why Mary was looking for them.
"Why do you need them?"
After discussing where the photos could be, Mary's sister suddenly asks, "Why do you even need them? Don't we have enough photos of father?" Mary tells her sister about the DNA test, and her sister hangs up without hesitation!
Mary tries to figure out the significance of all this. Was their connection cut off? Did she hang up? Could her battery be dead? Mary calls multiple times, and it is only after the fifth call that her sister picks up.
"Don't do it!"
Just seconds after answering, Mary's sister starts speaking with great hostility. "Mary, don't do this DNA test! You should leave the past where it belongs!" Immediately following that, she hangs up. Mary is completely confused. What just happened?
Mary doesn't dwell on it too much and decides to sleep on it. After all, her sister had acted strangely before, and now that they were older, it made sense for her to occasionally behave erratically. The next day, she decides to go to her appointment with the DNA specialist.
Arriving at the Specialist
Mary arrives at the DNA specialist's office. She feels very welcome; the specialist took his time with her as there was no one else around and made sure she felt comfortable.
In retrospect, the only reason for his warm welcome was that he didn't know which family he was dealing with. But that was about to change in no time, creating a whole new situation.
First Steps of the DNA Test
After the greeting, Mary begins the DNA test. First, she has to fill out several forms with some basic and specific information. Second, the specialist needed a small saliva sample.
Before the DNA specialist could complete the test, he claimed to Mary that he also needed a small blood sample. Mary had thought that a saliva sample would suffice and wondered once again.
Text message to sister
Taking the blood sample took a while, and Mary made sure to make herself comfortable. Since she had some time to kill, she decided to text her sister. She sent her a picture of the DNA clinic via text and told her about the test she was undergoing. It wouldn't be long until she received a response.
Mary received a text message back right away. It said, "Please, Mary, leave the clinic while you still can! If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for the sake of the family! I beg you!"
Looks Pale
But Mary had barely any time to think as the DNA specialist entered the room. He hesitated to come in and took small steps. He had one of the photo albums in his hand.
He had turned completely pale, and although he refused to look at Mary, he seemed to struggle to find the right words. What had he discovered? Slowly, Mary started to worry.
Asked to leave
Mary asked the specialist what was wrong. But instead of an answer, he asked Mary to leave. But Mary didn't accept that. First, her sister played games with her, and now the specialist was telling her to leave.
Especially after she had already provided a saliva sample and even a blood sample. Mary felt it was high time for the people to tell her what was going on. Wasn't it time for them to tell her the truth?
Secret phone call
But the specialist made up his mind and immediately left the room again. It was clear that he had something to hide but wasn't keen on sharing it, even though Mary clearly had the right to know. He left the room and made an urgent phone call. We all know who he called.
Mary followed him into the room and overheard him mention her sister's name after picking up the receiver. That raises so many questions, and Mary feels terribly betrayed. She decides to take matters into her own hands and knows who she needs to visit.
Visiting her niece
She leaves the specialist's office and gets into her car. Mary decides to go to her niece, her sister's daughter. It would take her a while to get there, but it would definitely be worth it.
Her niece was a lawyer, and she would surely be more interested in the truth than any old family sentiments. And according to Mary, that was urgently needed here.
She arrives, and her niece Jessy is pleasantly surprised. They hug and talk to each other because it has been quite a while since they last saw each other at a family gathering.
And of course, all these questions soon lead to Mary explaining her situation, without mentioning her sister. But Jessy already had a feeling. After all, she also knew the family.
"It's my mother, isn't it?"
"It's my mother, isn't it?" Mary was stunned. Jessy then begins to explain the family secret. She starts talking about her youth, where she was told various tales about all her grandparents' heroic stories.
These stories mainly revolved around the family members who were no longer alive. Stories about people who lived at a time when there was no internet, no Facebook, and no Instagram.
She was hiding something
At some point, as the stories kept changing, Jessy began to see the lies and confronted her mother. Her mother responded with nothing but anger, demanding the respect a mother deserves.
Jessy knew her mother was hiding something from her. As she started searching for photos in the basement, it was locked off, and she was forbidden from ever going into the basement again.
Secret basement
Mary was completely stunned! She didn't know her sister was like this. "So you never went to the basement after that?" Jessy shook her head. Mary continued to ask Jessy what else she remembered from the basement.
Jessy's eyes widen. "Aunt Mary, there were so many photo albums, you wouldn't believe it!" Mary was now certain that her sister must also be behind the missing photos in her house.
The Next Step
Mary knew exactly where to go from here. She realized that this could very likely lead to another family drama and didn't want to involve Jessy in it.
Mary stayed for dinner with her niece and planned to leave afterward. The two women managed to steer the conversation towards happier topics. But as Mary was about to leave, something unexpected happened.
Jessy comes along
Instead of waving her goodbye, Jessy gets in the car with Mary! Mary was surprised. After telling Jessy that she is fine, Jessy demanded to be taken along.
"What a smart child!" Mary thought and accepted. She drove to her sister, Jessy's mother. The two felt that they were getting close to the truth. Now that they were together, they would be able to handle it.
No one around
After a short drive, they arrived. There was no one in sight. The house and the garden were in complete darkness. They knocked on the door several times, but there was no response.
After waiting for a moment, they went around the house and called Mary's sister on her cell phone. But once again, no response. Where could she be? Perhaps with the DNA specialist?
Spare key
There is a way to get in, but it would be risky. Jessy had a spare key and suggested going in. Mary considered other possible options, but none of them seemed as effective as simply going in.
After making sure that Mary's sister wasn't there, they immediately went to the basement. But more trouble awaited them. The basement was locked! Another reason to go in, but they had to either find the key or break the lock.
"Why not both?" Jessy suddenly thought. So Mary started searching for the key, and Jessy grabbed a screwdriver to break the lock. Mary found a dozen keys, but none seemed to fit the same brand as the lock.
Meanwhile, Jessy had more success with brute force. Using a large hammer, she managed to break the lock with a few strikes! But an unpleasant surprise awaited them.
An alarm!
A loud alarm went off! Panic ensued for the ladies! Now what? The alarm was really loud, and if they didn't manage to turn it off, the neighbors would surely call the police in no time!
They searched for the alarm control panel and tried to deactivate the alarm. But they couldn't simply disable the alarm. A decision had to be made, and Mary was the one to take responsibility.
Jessy Needs to Go!
She told Jessy that she needed to leave immediately! The police would arrive soon, and her arrest would greatly damage her career as a lawyer. On the other hand, as an old woman, nothing would happen to her.
Jessy agrees and leaves right away. But although Mary managed to protect Jessy, there was another decision to be made. Would Mary go down into the basement now that she had the opportunity?
Seizing her chance
She decides to seize her chance. After all, couldn't she have found an excuse for the police, considering her age and the fact that it was her sister's house? She grabs a flashlight and goes inside. And sure enough, Jessy was not mistaken about the number of photo albums.
It doesn't take long for Mary to find the missing photos from her own photo albums. "But why..." she whispers. However, these photos still do not answer all the questions she had. She searched and searched, but with a distracting alarm in the background and a completely dark basement, it was quite difficult.
The police arrive
After about ten minutes, another light seems to illuminate the basement. It's the flashlight of a police officer. He ordered Mary to come up immediately. Mary's knees trembled with fear.
He had the broken lock in his hand and sarcastically said to Mary, "I suppose you don't live here, young lady?" It was obvious that Mary posed no threat.
Tragic arrest
Nevertheless, Mary was taken to the police station. What a terrible tragedy this all became. It started with an innocent woman curious about her family's past and ended with an arrest.
And still, Mary was left without an answer to all her questions! Luckily for Mary, the story was not yet over. But before she would get any answers, she would have to provide some herself. The police wanted to know why she was there and why she had broken into the basement.
Tell us the truth, Miss!
Mary blamed her age and tried to tell them that this was something between the two sisters. She was determined not to involve the police in this family drama. But would she succeed?
Yet the police were not buying it. They demanded some real answers after finding no spare key on her. They understood that she was either involved in the break-in or someone else had helped her.
Demanded her sister
Mary understood that she had to give them something, but she was clever enough to demand something in return. Mary demanded to speak with her sister. "She will be here in no time if you tell her I broke into her place!" she said to the officer.
The officer looked somewhat puzzled and asked if she was sure. But Mary was certain, and as she had said, her sister arrived at the police station just 20 minutes later.
A document of their father
Mary's sister walks in and sits beside her. They don't exchange a word. A new team of officers arrives and demands that they finally come clean. Mary starts telling everything, from the beginning to the end! It wouldn't take long for one of the officers to realize which family they were dealing with.
The officer goes out and comes back in with some documents. One of the documents is an old photo of their father! He asks for confirmation. And with solemn faces, they do.
A War Hero
Mary's sister looks down as she knows that the truth is about to come to light. Mary can hardly contain her excitement. "What's going on?" Mary's father turned out to be a war hero during the Vietnam War.
Back then, he made sure to keep a Vietnamese politician in safe hands. The same leader soon became a crucial factor for the much-needed peace between the two armies.
Her sister knew
Her sister had known it all along. She wanted to protect her sister because the family had received a lot of backlash. Protecting the enemy was frowned upon because most people didn't know why her father did it.
Later, her father was honored for his actions. With the story now in the open, Mary and her sister opened a small museum to celebrate their family hero, displaying the awards and numerous photos.
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