The Funniest Car Breakdowns You've Ever Seen
Cars are undoubtedly one of humanity's finest creations. Where would we be without them? However, controlling such vehicles can be one of life's more challenging endeavors. There are moments when we find ourselves at a loss for what to do. We've compiled pictures of the funniest car breakdowns you've ever seen.
A Sticky Situation
One simple rule that should always be followed is to avoid driving expensive sports cars through mud. These two ladies also don't look like they're dressed for an off-road adventure.
We can't help but wonder what they were thinking. How will they get out of this mess? It seems like they've given up and are now seeking help. Quite sticky indeed...
Having a Bad Day?
This woman seems completely fed up. Her husband has had a car accident, and she has to come to his aid in her pajamas. Obviously, she hasn't had time to comb her hair either, so she's doing it on the spot.
Meanwhile, her husband seems to be in the hospital while she retrieves the last belongings from the completely dismantled car. This will probably be held against him for a long time - at least, that's what we can imagine.
Taking it to a Whole New Level
Everyone makes mistakes when it comes to car maintenance, but refueling is not usually one of them. You should be able to refuel more efficiently than this woman does.
Perhaps there's something wrong with the gas pump, who knows. But before resorting to this type of guesswork, it might be best to ask for help. Maybe she's from a place where gas pumps work differently.
Oh No!
"Let me park, honey!" were the last words of the husband before he crashed the car into the neighboring vehicle. All we can do now is laugh at his overconfidence and pose for a photo.
The big question is how to get out of this tricky situation because it doesn't look easy. Maybe with a crane? Or would it be enough if the black Ford just gets out of the way? Who knows!
A Trap!
We understand the importance of looking good day and night, but is that the right choice of footwear for such a scenario? Once again, two ladies find themselves stuck in the mud. At least this time it's not with an expensive sports car.
Whether pushing will help here, regardless of footwear, is a question in itself. It seems like the mud needs to dry out before they can drive away. That seems to be the only way to resolve the situation.
Parking Troubles...
The real question here is how the car ended up in this situation and what this woman had to do with it. Perhaps she let her husband handle the parking and wanted to document the result.
Unfortunately, it's not a well-parked car, and we sincerely hope it knows how to swim because that's the only way out of this predicament. It's a shame we don't know the resolution to this fascinating problem.
Trapped in the Car Door
This woman has probably had a hectic morning. She's still on the phone, trying to organize the rest of her day when one thing surely escaped her attention – but not ours.
As soon as she turns her head, she'll notice that she left a portion of her hair trapped in the car door. It will be difficult for her to drive and resolve the situation at the same time. Let's hope it didn't end in an accident.
Wrong Turn
BMW drivers already have to deal with a certain stigma – fast drivers who don't give way to anyone and don't adhere particularly well to traffic rules. This driver has also "overlooked" a few signs.
This BMW unintentionally met its demise by driving into a freshly cemented hole in the road. This not only frustrates the driver but also the construction worker who is rushing over.
Impeccable Paint Job
This car probably belongs to a true "Barbie Girl," or at least it seems that way. This person didn't pay close attention to where the road ends and the water begins.
Perhaps it simply rolled down a hill and ended up in the water. As we've seen before, this can happen from time to time. However, let's take a moment to appreciate the excellent paint job applied both inside and out.
Gone Under
There are often storms that wash away entire houses, cars, and trees. Some people try to escape the storm in their cars, only for them to be swept away – quite inconvenient.
This woman tried to escape at the last moment, but it was already too late. Did you know that a car can be moved in just 10cm of water? We hope she came out of it without any harm.
Sweet Revenge!
There is no word for "schadenfreude" in the English language, but it is well-known in the German-speaking world. Whatever the man in the jogging suit did, he must deeply regret it now.
The man behind the wheel seems to be doing a favor for his companion, who is enjoying the moment with a smile on her face. Perhaps it could be a father helping his daughter out of a dilemma?
After the House Party
We can't exactly determine what's worse: the teenager's facial expression, showing the parents who's in charge, or the condition of the car, which has sunk into an empty swimming pool.
It almost seems like a secret house party went wrong, and instead of cleaning up cups and bottles, a crane needs to be called. You don't need enemies when raising a teenager!
Double Trouble
How many people does it take to refuel a car? You would think it's relatively easy, but apparently, this pair hasn't quite figured it out yet. It's not just the fuel cap that's closed; the twins are also attempting to refuel through the car door.
This could be a drunken faux pas, and we hope neither of them will be behind the wheel later. Good luck to this problematic duo.
A Familiar Mistake
Once again, a woman in high heels finds herself confronting the mud where her valuable vehicle has sunk. We're starting to wonder if everyone has to experience this situation at least once in their life.
It seems like the lady is trying to move from the passenger seat to the driver's side to skillfully maneuver the car out of the mud, while her friend has nothing better to do than take a photo.
Winter Wonderland
You usually dress for the event you're attending, not for the car trouble you encounter on the way there. That's exactly what happened to this young lady, who is not properly dressed for a snowstorm.
Her shoes are as suitable for the snow as the tires on this tiny car. We wish her good luck in continuing to drive in this weather and hope she doesn't catch a cold.
First, a Coffee
When your car is hit by another car, the first reaction is usually shock, followed by fear and possibly despair – sometimes all these emotions hit you at once.
However, this lady calmly got out of the car after the collision and walked away. She's probably heading to a small café to gather her thoughts and calm down.
Safety First!
We've seen quite a few refueling faux pas by now. The mistake shown in this picture is particularly dangerous and can be easily avoided. If you want to ensure you refuel without any risk,
make sure to turn off your car and not leave it running. Otherwise, everything can go up in flames. Another driver recognized this and took a photo. At least the fuel cap is open!
Is it Already Full?
Apparently, you can make other mistakes while refueling. There's a reason why all gas stations are monitored by surveillance cameras at every corner – to catch those who drive away with half the pump's worth.
This person will soon have the police knocking on their door and will need a good explanation. Maybe their wife is in labor and they had to rush home – otherwise, it's hard to justify this act.
"Honey, can you please check? Something doesn't seem right back there," were the last words he spoke before bursting into tears. An inexplicable mishap occurred here. A tight turn or abrupt stop
caused this trailer to overturn. Perhaps the motorcycle was too heavy for the trailer, or someone rear-ended them. Who knows exactly, but it's definitely not a pleasant experience.
Truly Concerning
Red Bull cars naturally run on Red Bull power, right? At least the large Red Bull can on the roof of the Austrian company's car suggests so. It's easy to conclude that Red Bull actually gives you wings.
Unfortunately, fueling a sports car with a sports drink also belongs on the faux pas list. It's unlikely this car will go far. We naturally wonder who took this photo instead of helping the lady.
Where's My Shopping?
To be completely honest, this mistake has either almost happened to all of us or has already happened. Sometimes you receive a call at the exact moment when you should be loading your groceries into the car...
In this case, even the coffee cup and handbag are on the roof of the car, and that could be an expensive mistake. We hope the person notices it or gets warned by a passenger.
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